Month: May 2024

how to make a ballista.

Sixth you need to thread the string between the top and bottom of sticks.

Goal:to build a model ballista 

What you need:10 craft,craft,sticks,string, tape,hot glue gun.


First cut one stick in half.

Second  hot glue the half sticks to two full sticks.

To make a rectangle.

After that add another two the back that run parallel 

Into the front full sticks.

Next glue a stick off the middle that perpendicular to the

Frame ¾ of the sticks are on that side.

After that you need to cut two pieces of string that are over the 

Width of the frame.

Sixth you need to thread the string between the top and bottom of sticks.

loop them around twice.

Next insert two sticks and twist the string tight the sticks need to flick when

 pulled forward.

Second to last glue to sticks along the center stick to make an aroow holder.

Finally make an arow and test your ballista.

There is potential energy: this is in the twisted strings and then

the sticks and then the firering string then the missle.


For science at school we made a launcher me and Edie were buddies this some of the

stuff we used

. toilet paper roll

.popsicle sticks

.rubber bands


It was fun. When we had made it we had to test it with a Target

by Olive.when I pull it back it has potential energy.

Action Stations reflection

This term I chose theater sports for action stations.
We played lots of different games these are some of the games
. lap lap clap snap
. whoosh
I loved  shapes the most cause you had to try make a certain thing.
whoosh wasn’t that great it was a little bit boring.
I really loved doing theater sports.
I would definitely request it.
by Olive.

How to make a homopolar motor

goal: to make a homopolar motor.

what you need:
copper wire
neodymium magnets
AA battery’s

First you use the pliers to cut the wire.

Second you try bend envy shape with the copper wire.

Next you put the magnets on the bottom of the battery.

Then you put the wire over the battery it should be raped around the magnets on

the bottom and sitting on the top.

Lastly it should start spinning if not  adjust it.

sound travels

for sinence at school we did papper  cups.

and it worked because someone talked and then the sound waves traveled

though  the string and into the cup.

and the other persons eardrum takes the sound into it.

when I touched it it made a weird sound. I worked with Edie.

though the string it vibrated and the tape needed to be there so the sound would work 

by Olive